13. November 2015

Dr. Klaus Volkamer

Dr. Klaus Volkamer: Into the Ether

Dr Volkamer concentrates his research into the little-known, innovative and invisible to the human eye, subject realm of ethereal matter and energy forms. These are in fact very real and have been proven to exist by means of quantative, experimental weighing methods.

Over the course of thousands of years there have been references
to this non-visible substance – Prana, Chi or Vis in Indian, Chinese and Grecian scriptures, though we have only recently been able to scientifically prove the existence of an energetic substance.

Möglicherweise gibt es schon seit tausenden von Jahren in indischen, chinesischen und griechischen Quellen Hinweise auf diese nicht sichtbare und daher bis vor kurzem nicht wissenschaftlich nachweisbare energetische Substanz. In alten Schriften wird sie als Prana, Chi oder Vis Vitalis bezeichnet.

Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner referred to this material as Ether with the power to manifest and create.

By means of digital precision scales and statistical evaluation Volkamer was able to prove the existence of a thusfar unknown, non-visible ‘ethereal matter’. According to Volkamer the matter which presents itself as a field characterised by low energy properties is able to exert an organising influence over organic systems. His findings are not yet generally acknowledged by the professional scientific community.

Volkamer conducted numerous experiments to prove the existence of ethereal matter. With the aide of highly sensitive microscales capable of measuring within an accuracy of one thousandth of a milligram, Volkamer sought to prove that ethereal matter could be absorbed as mass using suitable detectors.

Dr Volkamer regularly lectures on his theories for example in cooperation with the German Society for Energy and Information Medicine. Articles are available in publications such as Raum und Zeit or on Secret TV. Publications addressing the subject of dark matter are available in Congress Proceedings.

The theorie of ethereal matter is presented in the following two books.

  • Volkamer K: Feinstoffliche Erweiterung unseres Weltbildes. 2007, Weißensee-Verlag Berlin
  • Volkamer K: Feinstoffliche Erweiterung der Naturwissenschaften, 2008, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin


  • [1] Feinstofflichkeit – ein uraltes Mysterium Teil 1: Der experimentelle Nachweis, Raum und Zeit, Heft 158/2009 [1]
  • [2] Klaus Volkamer: Feinstofflichkeit – ein uraltes Mysterium Teil 2: Folgen für unser Weltbild, Raum und Zeit, Heft 159/2009
  • [3] http://www.secret.tv/artikel5046274/Physikalische_Aspekte_der_Feinstofflichkeit
  • [4] Secret-TV: Experimente zur Feinstofflichkeit
  • [5] Volkamer K: Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe, proceeding paper, 8th UCLA symposium, Marina del Ray, 20.2.2008
  • [6] Volkamer K: detection of dark matter radiation of stars during visible sun eclipses, proc. suppl., Nuclear Physics B, 124 (2003), Seiten 117-127

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